Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Cut or not cut????

We went for dear's check up this morning.

Since we are sort of nearing the delivery time, dear and I would like to find out more about family planning options.

Funny enough Dr (male) has listed out 3 options, 2 will be performance on dear and one last option will be on me.Yes, V word for Vasectomy. Ouch!!!!

I had the feeling that the Dr prefers me to do it rather than dear, he stressed that it is painless, quick recovery, easy and less expensive. I can see his eyes sparked when he mentioned this option.

Funny enough when we seek second opinion from our GP (female), she suggested the same thing and 'urged' me to do it... why ya..

Quickly look into some info in the net I know it will not affect my masculinity, sex desire and most of all it won't cause erectile dysfunction. :-P

When we discussed this with my mum, she strongly against me doing it, why ya???

I think I need to pluck the petals of flower to see whether I shall make this decision :-P
Should I? Should I not?? Should I? Should I not?


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Flexi time to shop ????

My colleagues ask me to shop in London this coming April visit - oh dear, they trigger my itchy part in my heart:-P

Apparently they took their flexi time to get morning off before our management meeting at 2pm.

What is this flexi time???

According to my colleagues, as they are home based worker, they would have some flexi time to accumulate. For example, if they work 5 hours more than a week required, they can keep that 5 hours and accumulate them to certain number of hours, and then claim them as time off or holidays.

My first reaction: How is my boss going to monitor this since they are all based outside of London office???

I amused myself to imagine if I were to ask a Malaysian boss

Me: Hi boss, can I have tomorrow 2 hour off to shop since I have worked more than required?
Boss: Oh of course, you can have all the day off from now on and never come back (that means bye bye!!)

Me: --- same question ---
Boss: Oh, of course, you can take over my place (bye bye again)

Me: --- same question ---
Boss: Can, have you done this!! finished that !!!! (better but with condition)

Me: --- same question ---
Boss: Wonderful, that will deduct $$$ from your pay, ok..

Me: --- same question ---
Boss: (just stare at you) :-(

I think if you clock out at exact time, they'll give you one kind of look!!!Haha, prove me wrong if you have a typical Malaysian especially Chinese family business boss

How can my colleagues get that?? I guess it is just the 'trust' and 'ethichal level' issues. Basically, my boss trust them that they are ethical enough not to cheat any hours from work EVENTHOUGH they are not working in the same office premise.

That's quite common thing in my new company or rather the UK culture. It is just like the time dear and I were shocked in Sheffield to see a mini market just leave a can out with the fruits and trust the customers are honest enough to pay the money themselves.

What about me who based in Malaysia? Equally good :-) I just gave hints to my boss I want to work at home before and during dear's confinement. I got positive response, huray!!!

I really thank God for my boss who place family value equal place with work. I really do :-)

By the way, how come my colleagues knew my soft spot that I like to shop whenever I come !!!!! Is that so obvious???? :-P