Care for a cup of tea????

Every trip back to London office, dinos will ask for 3 things: Walker chips, Fizzy worms (a type of candy :-)) and family-must-have milk chocolate digestive biscuits. Luckily they didn't ask for PSP or XBox (which I somehow am drawn to the Game shop and check the prices)
Friends that know me well, will know that besides chocolate digestive biscuits, I have another craving :-)
One thing I will always take effort to buy in UK that is tea bags !!!!!!
I am a typical tea person, and a die-hard white tea with 1 sugar - a request I always made on flight and the air-stewardess already knows after a few requests :-)
Lately, I typically fancy Twinning brand tea which I can actually get in KL, but more expensive here !!! Just got £1 for a box of 50 bags from Tesco there.
MMMmmmm... Care for a cup of tea, friends? :-)
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