Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Season Greeting

Dear just told me the Christmas Wreath represent eternal love as the circle symbolises love that has no end. Remind me the wedding rings and God's eternal love for us.
This christmas season, I urge my family and friends to worship more and embrace the true meaning of Christmas: flesh dwell among us, redeemer, Saviour and our miracle maker.
May you prepare a room in your heart for Christ to come and fill you up with His eternal love.
Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year !!!!
Thank You
Christmas eve worship was a highlight for me this year...
Still remember saying to SB I was cracking my head planning for this service when we both chatting online. There and then an idea came to me and 'light' just came to shed on the form of this service.
I guess the Lord impressed upon me many events has been happening on this earthly land - injustice, diseases, wars, floods etc This is the result of the fall of mankind and Christmas is just the sole reason and the solution for all these.
God chose to dwell among us and be vulnerable so that He could invade in our lives just like us in flesh and blood - God's daring plan !!!!
I am pleased with the 'modern' manger we put up this year and the candles we lit up. It gave me a sense of peace. When Silent Night was sung, I believe the Holy Spirit had already worked among the people, and seeing them willingly coming forth to put the stripe of cloth to prepare the bed for Jesus, symbolising that we are also prepare a room in us for the Saviour - it is a beautiful worship indeed.
Thanks to all the musicians that bear my 'persistent want this way and that' most of the time, without them this was not possible too.
I have a great time to be part of this sct of worship, it may be a last one I will do, God knows.
Thank you Lord for being an active God and bring miracles to us all.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Care for a cup of tea????

Every trip back to London office, dinos will ask for 3 things: Walker chips, Fizzy worms (a type of candy :-)) and family-must-have milk chocolate digestive biscuits. Luckily they didn't ask for PSP or XBox (which I somehow am drawn to the Game shop and check the prices)
Friends that know me well, will know that besides chocolate digestive biscuits, I have another craving :-)
One thing I will always take effort to buy in UK that is tea bags !!!!!!
I am a typical tea person, and a die-hard white tea with 1 sugar - a request I always made on flight and the air-stewardess already knows after a few requests :-)
Lately, I typically fancy Twinning brand tea which I can actually get in KL, but more expensive here !!! Just got £1 for a box of 50 bags from Tesco there.
MMMmmmm... Care for a cup of tea, friends? :-)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Freak-out!!!! Mr. James Bond

I was invited to my company dinner cum Christmas party, of course in London. Am surprised my boss was willing to fly me over and arrange meetings in that visit, thanks to her.
However, the formality of the party freaked me out!!!!
It was a black-tie plus masquerade dinner cum party. Kampung boy like me quickly search the net to find out what is 'black tie' about, and ho ho it was 'James Bond' style - as the net puts it - '.. like what you see in James Bond movie when he goes to a casino'
No way!!! I am not going to spend money on that though I already have part of the requirements - a mask bought in my last Venice trip - but too tiny to wear haha
So I decided not to attend.
But my boss did insist me to go but I still was being stiff-necked. In the end, I was there 'unwillingly' with non-conformance dress code :-P
It relieved me a bit when there were some 'odd' people like me - so I happily took my wine and merrying the whole night through :-)
It was a great night, Christmas traditional dinner with turkey and pudding. We had dance floor and casino tables with £100 chip to play, the one who won the most at the end of the night will get a surprise gift. I am literally like a 'James Bond' with ER and GB be my partners haha
What a night !!!!!