Busy at home soon

Next week I will be on paternity leave, the HQ is kind to give me 1 week which is very unusual for Malaysia practice. Back in HQ, they have 2 weeks, so I am happy with what I got :-)
After that I supposed to work at home, but frankly speaking I am real jerk that can't concentrate to work at home - the power of music, TV, coffee, refrigerator have so much impact at home :-P not to mention the 2 dinos will be with me.
Dear will be discharged this morning and then she will be staying with my mum, undergoing the 'hell' of confinement period. She has negotiated with my mum to have it maximum 2 weeks, not too sure will that be successful.
What I plan to do is to keep 2 dinos with me at home, I am going to rush off my last 2 chapters for my study - hopefully. Then I have tonnes of paper to write for work and visits are scheduled. HQ, S'pore, Shanghai and HK. Very much dying to go Sydney to meet Godson but this will be later stage - perhaps it is good so that dear can join me at that later time.
Work at home for 1 month, neh I doubt it. I will be going back to office in between just to get some of my work done. My boss is kind to allow me to work flexi time, so I guess it is blessing.
My team mates said I am spoilt, I said, well that show how our boss is so supportive in looking after our benefits, we value one another :-)