Ho Ho Ho

So many years of celebrating Christmas, dear and I have not bought in any christmas tree for this season. One thing we see it is no point at all when the kids do not really appreciate the lighting and the decos, second we feel it is just a day thing as compared to CNY and Raya which atleast they are celebrated for more than a day.
Well, let's try to be different this year as we are a bigger family now (dino2 is added :-P), so sought out the advent calendar and activity from the net, so that the month of Dec (Advent) will be more meaningful for Tews family.
Try out http://www.smmp.com/Advent/Advent.htm and http://apmethodist.org/advent-activity.htm
Wonder why this year, I am a a bit excited to have a christmas tree at home. Dear found something unique to be our "special" christmas tree, and yes, we will set up one that is definitely not conventional. :-P
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