Justice!! Justice!!!
My dear has a pair of precious and tender hands, which she would do anything to protect her "golden hands" (No-lah.. she just merely has a sensitive hands :-P). So, mopping, laundry, dish washing, and another Saturday-event- special-task are just my honour to do :-(
What is this Saturday-event-special-task?? See the picture below

Well, you see. Dino1 needs to have a pair of shining whites shoe to school every week. Since dear has such a precious golden hands, so the Saturday-event-special- shoes washing has to be my task every Saturday.
After a hard blood and sweat, and what did I get!!!! Dear complaint I have not put "my soul, heart and might" to do this task - another word, it is not up to her quality standard!!!!

Our honorable judges, pls rate the cleanliness of this pair of shoes that you see. Scale 1 to 10, 1 being the dirtiest and 10 the cleanest. (Guys pls stand up and fight a good war for me ya I want justice !!! :-))
hey, since when i married a cleanliness- quality- control wife?
Is the bigger pix before washing? If it is then don't look any different to me, but don't look very dirty as well....come on la, u r not the only one need to do house work ok...sl also has the same hand problem as ur dear...
hahahah ..... see, whether the shoe has been washed is questioanble. So what is the verdict now :) ??
You see the front part of the shoes?? Dear purposely wanted me to capture this part to show you all. She said I have not cleaned it whole-heartedly!!!!
I guess I will train dino1 to do this task himself from now on :-P
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