
Well, Dino1 has his new pet who he named as Rachel. He deliberated to choose a female one and has "deleted" many of the choices. Sometimes we heard him call her "baby" which really made our hairs stand :-) We think he needs a baby sister badly.
Well, he has been playing with his "baby", and this baby Rachel is so attention sucking that needs most of his tender care and love. Because we only allow him to play with her at certain hours and time, so some of the hours this baby Rachel will cry - really cry - for attention :-P
So what is the solution, we don't want dino1 to loose this baby. So dear has "sacrificially" volunteered to take care of her. Just yesterday, she brought her out to work. Feed her and play with her. I can imagine her stop the lesson halfway, sneaking out to the ladies just to spend some time with Rachel. (Not sure whether she did).
See how much she spoil this dino1, she even didn't talk with me while we stuck in the jam, heading way back. Guess what she did!! Yes, you are right, she is playing with Rachel!!!! I think I am getting smaller and smaller in her heart.
Wonder the other dear would do the same thing :-P
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Rachel Tew !!! Sounds good ?? What do you think dear ?
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