TGIG Thanks God It Is Girl :-)

We were eager to know the baby sex this round. We were saying to leave it until the baby is born, anyhow we should receive him or her with grateful heart!!! But, still being a human, dear was saying she doesn't want to suffer baby blue after the delivery :-P, it is better to get to know and prepare herself months to get her to accept any fact. As for me, I dread to show "oh, it is boy again" expression the first day I put my arms on the baby - What a tough job for parents and we admit our weakness as human being.
So, early the morning we drove to do the detail scan for this check up, doc has asked us to bring along a dvd to record the scan. As dear lied on the bed and doctor started the scanning, he asked this question out of sudden : What do you have for your children now? Boys? Our heart was beating fast and I being very direct and asked: Boy or Girl, doc?
It seemed like in a century long, and the doc suspended it a bit, put on a cunning smile - So what is it????
"Congrat! It is a girl"
" Are you sure?" my first reaction :-)
"100%, see this part, no flesh at all. If it is a boy, just claim back from me whatever you have bought for baby girl!!!"
In the journey back, dear and I asked each other how was the feeling we had when we heard the news. Funny, both of us were not really thrilled when we heard the good news, we were sort of prepared for it, and had the six sense that it is going to be girl. Though we are not 100% sure, both of us have a bit feeling this time it is a girl and I remembered I have to go by faith to buy some baby girl clothes in London.
For dear, she experienced totally different experience for this compared to dino1 & 2. Being conservative, she buys in only 90%.
We thank God for this precious gift. We don’t understand why this baby was conceived so easily (for those who knew the story) at the first place, now we know God’s favour and purpose and blessing.
Well, I know what I am going to shop this round as Sales is out there in London, anyhow, if it turns out to be otherwise, I am going to claim them from the doctor, ummm… must make sure I keep all the receipts. Haha :-P
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