
Omen - I watched the trilogy with my parents when I was a little boy, vividly remember the small kid with 666 mark and his black dog and crow. The new Omen seems to get my interest to watch it. Dear has declined as she is such a "girly" with horror show.. well I am just such a man ... that needs someone to watch with (haha). It seems that it is not on the cinema anymore, I guess I will just get the DVD and force my dear to watch with me ... hehehe

Superman - Again, I watched this with parents - yea, I remember Friday night used to be family movie night - when I was little. Now "Superman Return" is on but it does not really get my interest compared to Omen. I just think that it is just another show that show how eagerly the Americans need a superhero nowadays. Ever wonder why the baby superman will land on America not China? Why superman has been saving majority of Americans but not others...:-P Or you would prefer to ask : Why superman wear his undie outside? :-)
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