I am bored

Yes, it is just 2nd day in London and I am really really bored. Called dear and said I want to come back, can't imagine how I am going to survive for 3 weeks in UK.
The first day, I was annoyed with the IT helpdesk of the hotel I stay, they tried and failed to fix up my internet connection with my ibook. It really up set me because I really need it this trip. (Luckily they fixed it first thing next morning)
So, I went to sleep a while and go out for a walk. It was nice weather and they said the summer finally comes to London. It was raining in the past few weeks, the Londoners just flooded out of their home to parks and shopping areas.
If I told you I have not done any shopping, I obviously lied :-)
I just want to visit Abercromie and Fitch in Piccadilly. I quite of like the idea that the outlet designs it like shopping in the disco, i wonder how you shop in such a dim light. You can also feast our eyes with muscular sales men there, ladies- that's their trademark if you know the brand. Tempted to buy a hoody but dear has warned me, because I have so many in the closet - I think this is my obbession lately haha
Oh, to prove that I am rally bored I attended 2 services on Sunday, both at the hillsong church. I actually wanted to visit another church near Piccadilly as well but missed the timing. Why, I was sun-bathing (not really that) at St James park, and met this 30 old student and have a good chat. I enjoy just lazying in the park if the weather allows. :-)
At night, had dinner outdoor, I like the cold breeze :-) and then headed to rrom and rest.... I can know for sure this is going to be this way for the rest of the week. I look forward to have my team mates joining me tonight. I already asked ER to walk the parks with me when she arrives this evening.
Not much of exciting event for boring people like me, was thinking if I like to drink beer then pubs will be the night life for me, the fact is that I am not pub-hover.
I must think of something to kill my time here especially after the working hours. Any suggestions?????
Fancy a swap dear :) No ample time here, you will love it...
yes why not vist a salavation army hostel.....go to a comedy pub.......visit the Houses of Parliament.....stand at a train station and watch people and award points for all who smile at u when u stand there with a bored in london sign.....any suggestions?
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