Nightmare with Consultant

Well, Last week I was stuck with this British consultant ( An old but wise man) sent from the Education Director of UK, to "look at" the course programme that I oversee.
Of course, we need to prepare all the documents and QAA for him to view and discuss with him. I was literally in due stress for the week before he came, where my division head and i had so much thing to check and prepare for him, JUST for 2 miserable days with him.
I wonder whether I am a bit sensitive or it is true that a consultant who used to carry himself in such way that , to me, so stuck-up and nose + head + whatever held up against you, or it is a natural thing that a consultant would behave (Are you one of them, Mr Zen? :-P)
I am not that easily "wounded" anyway, in fact I told my division head that I look forward to seeing him to give us constructive suggestion to improve, just that I am not that kind of person to be "too lowly" in front of people from those "advanced & developed" countries like UK.
I am physical and mentally tired with all the meetings and dinners. Afterall, the consultant and I did have a good chat during the dinner and we welcome him to come again, sincerely.
His visit has taught me that how important critical and reflective thinking we should have in order to improve ourselves. I guess I agree totally with this, in all aspect of our lives - spiritually, emotionally and in mortality.
This stress will continue as I am seeing another one next week..... sob sob!! I am looking forwards to March :-)
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