Thursday, May 05, 2005

Do you like this???

Dog in the bus
Originally uploaded by Skyhover.
Well, one thing I notice in Sheffield, is that they love - literally love, obsessed with pets especially dogs. Can you imagine a big giant dog in the bus?

The bus company actually has a special space for them, where you can either put your baby push-chair, people in the wheel motor-chair, or your dogs...

Mind you these are not the small tiny cute lovely dogs, they are fury, big and SMELLY one...

and the old folks will smile and pat on them..Me!!! 5 feet away from me.

Oh another scene that amuses me is that a mother carried the baby, and pushed the dog in the push chair. Classic scene and you won't find it in Malaysia.


At 4:20 am, Blogger Sivin Kit said...

and some say ... "We live a dog's life" or "who wants a dog's life" tell that to this dog!

Glad you seem to be enjoying your orientation :-)


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