Thursday, March 10, 2005


Shall We Dance
Originally uploaded by Skyhover.
We watched this movie during CNY. Ann and I enjoyed the show very much. (In fact I suspect her being charmed so much by R. Gear :-( )

2 Things that touched our hearts from the show:
1. Marriage is a witness. You are inviting someone to witness your whole life when you tie the knot togather. In other words, you share every bits of your life with your dear.

2. Life can be meaningless at times. Very true when you have been doing something that you find meaningless. I thank God I always enjoy my profession even though it is not really a kind of high pay job. It is a blessing truely.

Haven't watched yet? Highly reconmend from me for those who has been married for more than 5 years :-)


At 6:02 pm, Blogger skng74 said...

did u watch it on vcd/dvd? why only recommend to those married > 5 yrs??


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